March 21, 2007

Random Commuter Observations

**The Missus and two thirds of the Llama-ettes are down with the flu, meaning I had to run the five year old in to school this morning. We amused ourselves by inventing new Wiggles characters. For instance, if you crossed Murray (Red Shirt) with Greg (Yellow Shirt), you'd get Meg (Orange Shirt). Murray and Anthony (Blue Shirt) would make Manthony (Green Shirt). We quickly discovered that Jeff (Purple Shirt), not being a primary color, causes complications to this scheme. (I've long had my suspicions about Jeff anyway, but that's a different story.)

**Guys who elbow you out of the way to grab the last empty metro seat are losers. The big guy that did it to me this morning wouldn't make eye contact, but sat there with his head trained forward. However, I could tell he was peeking out of the corners of his eyes. I gave him the blue marbles for a moment before moving on and was gratified to see that he was squirming.

** Guys who go to Starbucks with a fist-full of fru-fru drink orders from their office mates are also losers, although here I think the fault really is with the office mates for putting them up to it. The guy in front of me in line had half a dozen of them, each more complicated than the last. He turned and gave me a rather goofy laugh. I gave him the blue marbles, too.

** March 21. First day of spring in Dee Cee and I positively saw a couple snow flakes on my way up E Street. It so happens that AlGore is testifying before Congress today, so I suppose this is the ol' Gore Effect at work again.

Posted by Robert at March 21, 2007 09:02 AM | TrackBack

So...uh..loser that I am I have to ask:

To get the guy in the green shirt, shouldn't it have been Greg(yellow) and Anthony (blue)? ("Yellow and blue make green", remember he Ziploc commertials?) So the newbie should be Granthony...or just Grant.

Since you DID use Murray and Anthony that should have given you...Jeff. Is that how he screws this system up? LOL.

Posted by: brainy435 at March 21, 2007 12:25 PM

"I gave him the blue marbles" is so much funnier than giving someone the evil eye.

Posted by: jen at March 21, 2007 12:48 PM