March 15, 2007

What would Alexis de Tocqueville do?

There's a big debate among sociologists, political scientists, and historians going on about the state of "social capital" in American democracy today, and whether we are in serious trouble for the future. Such luminaries as Robert Putnam, Theda Skocpol, Morris Fiorina and others have written competing books and articles on the subject which has got civic educators twisted up into knots.

One of the biggest elements of the problem that many point to is lower rates of civic participation: whether through joining clubs and groups (Putnam's famous "Bowling Alone" argument) to the real kicker---low rates of voter turnout.

But the eyes of the nation turn---as they always seem to do in crises like this---to Florida, where some genius wins our first "What would Alexis de Tocqueville Do?" Award for fostering the rebirth of American democracy:

TAMPA - Joe Redner has a deal for Tampa's registered voters: Cast a ballot in the upcoming runoff election and gain free admission to his Mons Venus strip club.

That's a free afternoon or evening of nude dancers. Hand over your "I voted" sticker at the door, and the $20 cover charge will be waived.

Yes, he's serious. And yes, it's legal.

Redner said he was disgusted by the dismal voter turnout during the March 6 city election, when less than 16 percent of registered voters went to the polls.

Now in a runoff for the citywide District 1 seat against Tampa City Council Chairwoman Gwen Miller, Redner wants people to vote - even if that vote is cast for his opponent.

"I hope it helps turnout," Redner said Wednesday. "And the publicity is good for me, too."

Sterling Ivey, a state Division of Elections spokesman, likened Redner's deal to a fast-food restaurant offering free soft drinks to voters.

"There's nothing in Florida statutes that prevents a business owner from offering a discount to voters for voting," Ivey said. "It doesn't make a difference if the candidate owns the business."

Redner said he will uphold his offer during early voting, which runs Monday through March 24. The offer also will be valid on election day, March 27, and perhaps for a few days afterward.

Posted by Steve-O at March 15, 2007 02:34 PM | TrackBack

Well, first of all, Alexis de Tocqeville would have a plan.

Posted by: rbj at March 15, 2007 02:56 PM

Alexis de Tocqueville wouldn't take a dump without a plan . . . this representative democracy thing will get out of control and we'll be lucky to live through it.

Sorry. Been channeling Fred Thompson just a little too much lately.

Posted by: The Colossus at March 15, 2007 03:04 PM