February 22, 2007

"The Sun Shines Down From Meridian Height" ***

Within the past day or two, the sun has crept up enough in the southern sky to clear part of the building across the street from me in mid-morning and beam directly onto my chair.

I know that in a few months I'll be blasting and damning it and its heat, but for the moment, the sensation of winter getting ready to wind down and spring beginning to stir is really quite delightful.

LUNCHTIME UPDATE: Of course, now it's raining. And we're forcast to get winds gusting up to 50 mph later on today. Yup, that psychotic season known as spring is on its way.

*** Bonus points for ID-ing the quote. Answer below the fold and no fair peeking.

The first line of a bit of doggeral by Mr. John Keats that Mom likes to quote:

The sun shines down from meridian height,
And illumins the depths of the sea.
Cry out the fishes, begining to sweat,
"Oh, dammit, how hot we shall be!"

Posted by Robert at February 22, 2007 10:32 AM | TrackBack