February 22, 2007

Lead, Follow Or Get The Hell Out Of The Way

George Will on the Congressional Donks boxing themselves in on Iraq:

They can spend this year fecklessly and cynically enacting restrictions that do not restrict. Or they can legislate decisive failure of the Iraq operation -- withdrawal -- thereby acquiring conspicuous complicity in a defeat that might be inevitable anyway. A Hobson's choice? No, Nancy Pelosi's and Harry Reid's.

Meanwhile, I love this report. Dick Cheney recently had this to say about the Donk strategy:

"I think if we were to do what Speaker Pelosi and Congressman Murtha are suggesting [i.e., place restrictions on how additional funding of troops can be spent], all we will do is validate the al-Qaida strategy," the vice president told ABC News. "The al-Qaida strategy is to break the will of the American people ... try to persuade us to throw in the towel and come home, and then they win because we quit."

Now personally, I'd file this one under "Legitimate Criticism - Blindingly Obvious Division." So what was Madam Speaker Pelooooosi's response? In a word, "Whaaaaaaa!!!!":

"And you know what I'm going to do? I'm going to call the president and tell him I disapprove of what the vice president said," Pelosi said. "It has no place in our debate." Bush had previously urged her to call him when a member of his administration stepped over the line by questioning Democrats' patriotism, she said.

Insert your own "Daddy, make the bad man stop!" joke here.

Yips! from Gary:
Uh, oh. Big-Time's in trouble now!: Pelosi Calls Bush to Complain of Cheney's Comments on Democrats' Iraq Strategy

Posted by Robert at February 22, 2007 09:11 AM | TrackBack

So Pelosi and Murtha can question the administration's strategy -- and finally offer their own, but no one can question their strategy?

Posted by: rbj at February 22, 2007 09:13 AM

Wait! Wait! Can I use the quote now? "Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel."

Heh, indeed.

Posted by: Robbo the LB at February 22, 2007 10:34 AM

The poor dears are having trouble extracting themselves from their own complicity in this debacle. They are only showing remorse for their imperial strategy because it is going so badly. These are not the people that can truly lead us out of this mess.

Posted by: LB Buddy at February 22, 2007 11:48 AM

See, this is why we like having LB Buddy as our house lib. He and I have diametrically opposite views on what we ought to be doing in Iraq, but we're united in our contempt of this kind of cynical and politics-driven mealymouthiness (if that's a word).

Posted by: Robbo the LB at February 22, 2007 12:29 PM

And something tells me had the war gone just swimmingly the whole time, and Iraq were now paradise on earth, LBB would still own up to his opposition to the war. The Dems, on the other hand, would be reminding everyone of the suppoert they're now trying to distance from themselves.

Posted by: Boy Named Sous at February 22, 2007 07:55 PM