February 19, 2007

Gratuitous Prezdents Day Posting

There are plenty holidays that I think are silly, but this is the one I genuinely dislike. A celebration of Washington's birthday was perfectly fitting and really rayther nice. But "Presidents Day" dilutes the pool to the point of outright absurdity. I mean, it covers not only the giants like Old George and Lincoln, but also unfortunates like Jimmah and Bubba (and Nixon, to satisfy our moonbat readers) as well. Hell, Martin Luther King gets his own birthday. Why not Washington anymore?

I think we need to rename this holiday to narrow the range. Something like "Presidents, But Only The Heavyweights, Day." Or "Presidents, But Not Most of the 19th Century Ones Because Of The Relative Weakness of the Executive Back Then, But Not Most of the Post-FDR Ones Because They Had More Power Than They Could Handle, Day."

Or sumpin'.

UPDATE: Basil is way out ahead of me on this. And Groovy Vic is with me on the barricades.

Posted by Robert at February 19, 2007 08:24 AM | TrackBack

Happy Nicholas Copernicus's Birthday Day.

Posted by: rbj at February 19, 2007 04:16 PM