February 11, 2007

The name is Romance. Mister Romance.

The Missus and I went out on a hot date last night, or what passes for a hot date around here: dinner at the local Mexican place followed by a trip to the Barnes and Noble. We backed into that date plan about a year ago, as we had to pick up a birthday present for someone, and the logical dynamic of it just struck. With four kids running around the house, the only thing of value at more of a premium than privacy is good conversation.

I've a backlog of stuff that I want to write about---I'm currently caught up in my gardening planning and will put in the first wave of the seed order later today. I've got a little photo essay cooking, but first I'll have to caulk the tub in the master bath, plus a dozen other chores that piled up during my bout with the Klingon Death Flu. This is the first weekend since November it seems like that we're not travelling, we don't have house guests, and everyone's healthy.

Not to mention later tonight, we're going to dip into what I got The Dear One for her birthday at the beginning of the month:

colin firth darcy buck naked with anna nicole smith corpse and britney spears beaver shot.jpg

Yes, yes, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa, let the waves of gleeful derision and cackling commence from certain Cake Eaterly quarters in the great north woods. Sue me, sue me, shoot bullets through me..... The Dear One and I watched it when it was on A&E lo those many years ago: it was the winter before we had any kids, it was on the week of the big Charlottesville blizzard, and basically everything was shut down for a week---it was certainly the week of Jane Austen for us. We had a little party every night for her book club, we had a pot luck dinner followed by Colin Firth in our little grad school apartment. I even kept my "Tom Selleck could kick Colin Firth's brooding butt" jokes to a minimum. The whole thing occupies a special place in the memory vault, and yours truly, believe it or not, is good for the occasional good gesture in the marriage department.

Posted by Steve-O at February 11, 2007 10:07 AM | TrackBack

Talk about hot dates with one's spouse... My husband took me to the Monster Truck Jam yesterday!
I left the arena with my ears ringing. Went out for BBQ after, downed a couple of drinks, all better now.
Thanks honey, I love you too.
Can I borrow your video when you are done with it?

Posted by: Babs at February 11, 2007 10:45 AM


{insert happy dance here}

Now, if only Robbo had purchased it, well, that would have been so funny I'm pretty sure I would have exploded and the walls of the Cake Eater pad would be covered in my entrails.

Good taste, Steve-o. I'm so proud!

And you posted a picture, too! You should bump this post to the top of the page. Really and truly. It'll do wonders for your traffic. Seriously. {wink, wink, nudge, nudge}

(The husband also congratulates you on the "Guys and Dolls" reference. Because I had to read the post to him (I just HAD to)and he picked it up. )

Posted by: Kathy at February 11, 2007 01:58 PM

But of course---the Nathan and Miss Adelaide reference was for you two. And I'm glad you caught the, um, traffic booster: it's just to show that I haven't completely lost it...

Posted by: Steve the LLamabutcher at February 11, 2007 03:00 PM