February 10, 2007
Snow Miser Watch
Mayan, I cannot remember such a protracted stretch of sub-freezing weather here in the Dee Cee area. If this doesn't finally kill the gladiolas that I didn't really want in the garden anyway, nothing will. Meanwhile, you can almost sense the excitement about the possibility of our first major snowstorm of the season coming in Monday night and Tuesday. Me? As Carol Burnett's bag-lady character used to say, "I been hurt a lot." I won't get too excited until it actually happens.
Meanwhile, those poor, poor folks in Upstate New York! Among their numbers are my semi-cousin, her husband and their infant son. He's Army Medical Corp and got posted this year to Fort Drum. The punchline is that his last posting was in....Hawaii.
Poor, poor folks......
Posted by Robert at February 10, 2007 10:20 AM | TrackBackYou know it's cold when 10 above seems like a heat wave. We're supposed to hit 20 today in Toledo. Time to break out the Speedos.
Posted by: rbj at February 10, 2007 10:29 AM