February 08, 2007

Random Commuter Observations - Death or Chi-Chi Division**

Get squashed into a metro packed like cattle cars on their way to Kansas City or freeze my backside off on the platform for another five plus minutes in the hope the next one won't be so crowded......

Decisions, decisions.

(Actually, not so much so. I can't stand being an ingredient in a commuter sammich. Better to risk the frostbite - at least nobody will be touching me.)

**Bonus points for spotting the allusion. No hints. You're on your own.

UPDATE: I believe we have a winner, but since the source wasn't identified, I'll give you a bit more context:

A: Chief say, you have choice - death or chi-chi!

B: Gimme death, Chief.

A: Oh, you choose death! Wiiiise! But first, a little chi-chi!

UPDATE DEUX: Okay, here's the source of which I was thinking specifically.

Posted by Robert at February 8, 2007 09:16 AM | TrackBack

"I Choose death."

"Very well. But first, Chi-Chi"

Chi-Chi being a very undesirable act with a very undesirable individual.

I think I'd still choose death because after Chi-Chi you'd yearn for its sweet release.

Posted by: Christopher Ross at February 8, 2007 02:24 PM

I'll bet there are about 10,000 variations on that joke - the one I heard used the phrase "booga booga," which is a *lot* more fun to say. Then again, I also heard the same joke from a Cuban ex-pat where the choice was "Socialism or death." Not much difference, as far as I can tell.

Posted by: Michael at February 8, 2007 04:08 PM

The way I heard it was "very well, you choose death. DEATH BY CHI-CHI!"

And in that version, it wasn't Chi-chi but rather "Joo-Joo". However, sometimes Joo-Joo is used as synonym for "kharma". And not to be confused with either the candy known as JuJuBees or John Lennon's Joo-Joo eyeballs from "Come Together".

Oh, man. Is this day over yet?

Posted by: Gary at February 8, 2007 04:15 PM