February 05, 2007



Whilst eating my sammich just now, I was noodling about Algore's WorldWideWeb in order to dig up some useful information on Archimedes, as the seven year old has hit upon his theory of displacement as a suitable topic for her Science Fair project this year. In so noodling, I came across this site, which I had seen before but forgotten, documenting MIT's attempt to recreate Archimedes' Death Ray.

Very cool. Perhaps we need to rethink which of the man's achievements to demonstrate. I don't know if we could burn through the side of a mocked-up Greek trireme, but perhaps we could aim it at the squirrels out back.

And while we're on the subject, how about another science classic:

Posted by Robert at February 5, 2007 01:57 PM | TrackBack

Did you see the program Mythbusters on Discovery where they made an Archimedies 'death ray?' It was a great program.

Posted by: The Maximum Leader at February 5, 2007 03:32 PM

That has to be one of the all time best music vids. I remember eating my PB&J sammie with a bag of chips and a coke, sitting in the lunch room lounge at UNM and marveling about this thing called MTV!

Posted by: Babs at February 6, 2007 12:32 PM