February 02, 2007

This One's For the LB Buddy

It's the wince-making candirú:

The candirú is a tiny catfish which dwells in the depths of the Amazon River. These fish do not hunt in packs like the piranha, nor are they exceptionally large like the anaconda. In fact, the candirú is among the tiniest vertebrates on the planet, and it is sometimes referred to as the "toothpick fish" due to its small size and slender shape. Only a handful of people have had the misfortune of crossing paths with the candirú, but their experiences serve as cautionary tales to any who venture into the mighty river.

Read on, but be prepared to do a lot of squirming. Peej O'Rourke mentions something about these encounters in his All The Trouble In The World as well. All things considered, I think I'd prefer to chance it with the piranhas.

Yips! to Jonah.

Posted by Robert at February 2, 2007 09:22 AM | TrackBack

Nrrk. Okay - Worst.Fish.Ever.

Posted by: Enas Yorl at February 2, 2007 09:12 PM

Im in favor of making this species extinct, even if I will never set foot in Brazil.

Posted by: h0mi at February 2, 2007 10:30 PM