January 12, 2007

Gratuitous Random Casual Friday Observation

For the most part, I'm a strict reactionary when it comes to suitable office attire - button down shirt, tie, suits on most days bending to khakis and a blazer in warmer weather, black lace shoes or loafers as appropriate. I am a lawyer, after all.

Every now and again, however, especially when I'm not feeling spectacular, I'll break down on a Friday. In winter, this usually means no tie, an argyle sweater and my Brooks Brothers grey herringbone tweed, a pair of khakis and Bean boat-shoes, with my beat-up 20 year old waxed jacket (not Barbour but Burberry - who don't even make them anymore) over all.

Now the Official Theory** behind "Casual Friday" (or any office casual dress day) as I have always understood it is that dressing down is supposed to make one feel more comfortable and at ease, thereby increasing productivity.

I, on the other hand, feel exactly the opposite. Whenever I succumb to the urge not to put on full professional rig, I spend the day feeling as if Edna Mode is staring at me and muttering, "Hobo suit. Feh!"

The only real comfort I take is in the knowledge that I am still capable of feeling shame, an emotion apparently abandoned by a great many people these days.

(** I say "official theory," but I don't believe it's the real reason. In general I don't go in for conspiracy theories, but I am morally certain that the whole "business casual" movement was nothing but a scam run up by the fashion industry - in cahoots with the ersatz business "consultant" guild - in order to create a new market where one did not previously exist. The movement seems to have peaked, however, and I'm glad to see that the pendulum is starting to swing back in the other direction.)

UPDATE: Hey, I said I was ashamed of myself, didn't I?

Posted by Robert at January 12, 2007 10:12 AM | TrackBack

We love Edna. Max goes around saying "No capes!"

Posted by: Sarah G. at January 12, 2007 03:26 PM

Heh. I have to confess that I pop this movie in every now and again sans kids just to enjoy it myself. (If I offer to watch it with the Llama-ettes, they typically just want to run the "Jack-Jack Attack" short over and over again.)

Posted by: Robbo the LB at January 12, 2007 03:32 PM