November 08, 2006

Oh, Well....

I missed out on all the fun of being glued to the election results last evening.

As I mentioned yesterday, I had to nip down to Richmond for a meeting. The drive back I accomplished largely by the Braille method, the night being rainy, misty and foggy all at once and my headlights seemingly unable to cut more than a foot or two through the murk.

Stopping at the Appleby's in Ashland, VA for a comfort-food dinner of bacon cheeseburger and coffee, I was further bamboozled by lighting that was too dim to let me read my book in comfort and an odd waitress who seemed to be following some pre-crafted script in her dealings with me because a) she answered everything I said before I finished saying it and b) her responses were often only tangentally related to my remarks.

Also, my windshield wipers chose last evening to commit some kind of strange suicide, smearing a thin layer of black rubber across my field of vision. Never had that happen before. It took a razor to scrape the stuff off this morning.

Eventually, I settled on tailing 18-wheelers and praying their drivers could see better than I could, in the meantime singing "Just An Excitable Boy" at the top of my lungs. Seemed to be the night for it.

Anyhoo, by the time I got home, and after dealing with the crisis of the Flying Bug and the Frightened Eight Year Old, the last thing I wanted to do was watch a bunch of talking heads bloviate on What It All Means. Instead, I poured a glass of Chateau Giant Ordinaire and settled down to watch another episode of the Hornblower series.

On the whole, probably time better spent.

Meanwhile, I'm sorting through all the aftermath. As to my own predictions that the GOP would hang on, most recently reaffirmed over the weekend? Well, I reckon they were worth exactly what you paid for them.

Posted by Robert at November 8, 2006 10:18 AM | TrackBack

Cheer up. As long as no Supreme Court Justices retire, this is going to be fun. Heck it will be fun anyway.

Posted by: Mrs. Peperium at November 8, 2006 01:02 PM

I thought I heard a rumor somewhere that Stevens may be thinking of clocking out.

No, in ordinary times I'd agree with you. But what worries me chiefly is how all this is going to look to the bad guys in the Middle East. They may think that the turnover is a sign that America has lost our collective stomach to fight and gives them the green light to crank things up. I also wonder whether the hasty departure of Rummy today will go to reenforce that impression.

Posted by: Robbo the LB at November 8, 2006 01:53 PM

Be of good cheer. The Brits threw out Churchill before the end of WWII. Although the terrorists don't understand it, America is the stronger side in this struggle because we have democracy and parties in power get thrown out. It's why Bin Laden hates democracy so much.

Posted by: rbj at November 8, 2006 02:47 PM

The terrorists are going to think whatever they want regardless of our elections. For instance, 72 pepertual virgins await...

What will be more interesting is what the liberals think this election means. For instance, Pelosi will think we actually like her. Ted Kennedy will think he's sober and so on and so on.

Be of good cheer. We are bound to get better leadership in both the House and the Senate now. Notice how the Dems are not saying there will be shared leadership anymore now that they're in control once again ? It was the failed Senate leadership that fell for that stupidity.

Posted by: Mrs. Peperium at November 8, 2006 04:30 PM

Oh, I'm really not that gloomy. In fact, I'm rapidly coming around to the "this is a good thing for the GOP in the long run" school of thought.

As for the Donks? Well, either Pelosi, Reid & Co. will govern responsibly, which will be beneficial to everybody, or else they'll swallow the moonbat firewater, start scalping everyone to the right of Tim Robbins and get crushed in '08. Either prospect is perfectly acceptable to me.

Posted by: Robbo the LB at November 8, 2006 05:06 PM

You know, I should probably attempt to leave some sort of "buck up" comment, coupled with my reasoned thinking on how much better we are as a democracy. . .but I got stuck on this:

Eventually, I settled on tailing 18-wheelers and praying their drivers could see better than I could, in the meantime singing "Just An Excitable Boy" at the top of my lungs. Seemed to be the night for it.


And I can't get it outta my head.

Sorry. I'll try to do better next time. :D

Posted by: Just Me at November 9, 2006 02:10 PM