October 19, 2006

British Holiday Feature Bleg

I was watching this thing on PBS last night about murder at Jamestown where they had a sideways reference to Guy Fawkes, and to Guy Fawkes Day, which just happens to be the birthday of our youngest daughter---November 5th.

Our youngest daughter, born on Guy Fawkes Day.
Our youngest daughter, whose Godfather is ..........Robbo the LLamabutcher.


I think not.

Naturally, this got me to thinking---what's the proper way to celebrate Guy Fawkes Day? I realize there's a bonfire involved, and firecrackers, but what else? Believe it or not, The Dear One gave a big thumbs up to the idea this morning. Now, mind you, Little Miss Stubborn will have her birthday party in the afternoon, and she's going with a "Princess Tea Party" theme she came up with. I'm thinking of something we can do additionally for her in the early evening.

Ideas? I'm hoping the proprietor over at Kelly's Green can help out with this one, but I'm looking for general ideas. And yes, I realize this is a chance for Robbo to come out of the closet with his English Civil War Reenactor duds. But these are the risks I'm willing to take for a party.

Posted by Steve-O at October 19, 2006 09:45 AM | TrackBack

Ah yes, Guy Fawkes. The only man to enter Parliment with honest intentions.

Posted by: rbj at October 19, 2006 12:40 PM

My MG club celebrates every year with an effigy of Guy stuffed with firecrackers and thrown onto a bonfire after an indictment is read while the crowd hollers, 'Burn the bastard!"

I guess you could replace bastard with blighter in deference to your daughter's sensabilities.

Posted by: Paul Phillips at October 19, 2006 10:22 PM