October 07, 2006

My First, Last and Only Foley-Gate Post

Bill Kristol gets it right. Jumping on the Foley scandal has a certain superficial short-term appeal for the Donks and it definitely has, for the moment at least, killed off the momentum that was starting to flow in the GOP's direction before last week. But I'm dubious about the story's legs, especially if the GOP gets back on message this week.

Personally, my only concern regarding the mid-term elections is this: the next two years, IMHO, are going to be a critical period in the global war on terror. Donk control of even one chamber of Congress will put our efforts in that war in terrible peril, from the possibility of cutting and running in Iraq to the redesignation of anti-terrorist activity to mere law-enforcement status. And this says nothing of the distraction and demoralization that would be caused by Speaker Pelosi's continuous efforts to get at Dubya with her scalping knife.

Posted by Robert at October 7, 2006 11:02 AM | TrackBack

The story broke too soon to be a true "October Surprise". You know that there are Dems who are pissed about that.

I'm less shocked by the whole thing than I should be, and I'm even less shocked by the allegations that the Dem leadership also knew, or allegations that players for certain special interest groups knew and were waiting till closer to elections to spring it. I'm starting to become hardened in the perception that, all discussions of different political philosophies and their relative merits aside, far too high a percentage of those charged with championing those philosophies, on the left AND the right, are much more concerned with their own personal gain than with representing their constituents. I'm hard pressed to see much of a difference between the damage done by my political enemies and that done by my "friends".

Posted by: Brian B at October 7, 2006 06:54 PM