September 07, 2006

"It's Da Plummer. I Come Ta Fix Da Sink!"

The Colossus has some good thoughts this morning on the idea that people believe the world is less safe than it was five years ago:

Is the world today more dangerous than it was five years ago? Personally, I think if it has become more dangerous, it is only because the people of the West have revealed themselves to be unwilling to face any of the problems that have been revealed to them. Objectively, the rot was setting in for many years, and we chose to ignore it for as long as we could.

But there is disquiet in the west, for when the truth manifests itself to us, we find it unpleasant and are unwilling to pay the bill to fix it. We look for someone to blame for waking us from our pleasant dreams, to find that the world is as dangerous a place as it ever was.

Go read the rest and you'll understand the plumber metaphor.

Posted by Robert at September 7, 2006 08:44 AM | TrackBack