July 06, 2006

This will come as a shock

but Soldiers do not get to choose the wars they fight nor do they enjoy the same First Amendment rights that civilians enjoy. I hope the Army puts the screws to this officer.

Posted by LMC at July 6, 2006 09:33 AM | TrackBack


This drove my husband nuts when he was assigned to Ft Jackson with kids at basic saying they didn't want to learn to fire a weapon because that went against their beliefs. Um. You joined the ARMY, what were you expecting?

Posted by: beth at July 6, 2006 10:14 AM

I have zero sympathy for 1LT Watada. Prosecute to the fullest.

Posted by: The Colossus at July 6, 2006 11:15 AM

WTF? Who the hell does that self absorbed idiot think he is? The country is depending on this guy to lead his soldiers and set an example. During WWII, Jack Kennedy was told by his superior officer "..if everyone made their own rules in this man's Navy, the Japs would lick us in a week...". Still applies today.

What's next? Police Officers get to tell dispatch they don't feel like handling domestic disturbances (they are so messy - hurt feelings and all)?

EMTs get a pass on getting up a 2am to deal with the 47 year old alcholic with a rectal bleed two counties over, and they are the only team available but just don't feel like it?

Posted by: KMR at July 7, 2006 08:28 PM