June 27, 2006

Wet Llama Exhibition

Mayun things are soggy 'round here.

The latest weather forecast says Dee Cee is supposed to see the worst of le deluge today, after which the whole thing rolls north and we settle back into a pattern of hot, humid days with the odd thunderstorm here and there.

A lot of people seem to have stayed home from work today, or else are coming in late. The metro was not at all crowded. Nonetheless, it still took an hour and more to do the normal thirty minute trip.

As you've probably read, Father Justice is still suffering. I've got Internet access now (which is fortunate, given that I have to do an electronic filing this afternoon), but email and voicemail are still out.

The electricity at home has been cutting in and out since yesterday. I think this has more to do with Virginia Power flipping the switches so it can fix things than anything else. There's also been a bit of minor flooding around my neighborhood. Fortunately, it's been mostly confined to the gullies and creeks. We live on a hillside so are relatively immune from that sort of thing.

Meanwhile, the series of evening storms we've had the past three or four nights has finally convinced the Llama-ettes that they are afraid of lightning and thunder. This has made getting them to go to bed something of a challenge.

Personally, I blame George Bush for all of this.

Posted by Robert at June 27, 2006 08:34 AM | TrackBack

It is good to see you placing the blame where it belongs... If Bush could bring a hurricane to a democrat stronghold like LA, a little rain is a no brainer (or, did Rove order the rain???)

Posted by: Babs at June 27, 2006 09:36 AM