June 06, 2006

Car Talk

Busy day today, so I'll start you off with this driving meme I picked up from Bobgirrl:

1. Driver's seat or passenger seat? Driver's. I'm a bit of a control nut. Part of the reason I hate flying so much, I think.

2. What was the first car you owned (could have been purchased by someone else)? The first one I drove regularly was Dad's old '66 Mustang (hard top). The first one I "owned", although the 'rents bought it, was a late 80's Ford Tempo (known as the "Econo-car".) The first one I bought was a '96 Jeep Wrangler.

3. What is the first car you paid for yourself? See above.

4. How many cars are currently housed in your place of residence? How many are still operable? We're a two-Jeep family now. I drive a Wrangler and the Missus drives a Cherokee.

5. If money were not a factor, what kind of car would you own? I have to admit that I'm pretty happy with what I have. Other than that, I really don't know. I've never had a "dream" car, per se. And I'm not much interested in the luggggshery cars flogged by Benz, Lexus and the like.

6. If a police investigation was not a factor, what kind of car would you destroy any time you see it? Why? Heh. PT Cruisers because I think they're fuggly - the rag-top looks like the old Volkswagen "Thing", which in turn was a commercial version of the WWII German Army Kubelwagen, basically a field staff car. On the other hand, one of my guiding principles is that anybody who feels the need to drive a Hummer has obvious feelings of inadequacy, so some tough love might be appropriate. All in all, thought, I'd most like to set phasers on kill every time I come across another car with its bass cranked up to maximum thumpa-thumpa mode, regardless of its make and model.

7. Does driving in big city traffic fill your veins with adrenaline or your pants with something a bit worse? Usually fills my head with a pounding ache. We hates city driving.

8. What is your biggest pet peeve regarding driving and/or your fellow drivers? I'm convinced that the Maryland Department of Transportation coats its driver's licenses with some kind of brain-eating bacteria before handing them out. It's the only explanation. You never, ever know what a Maryland driver is going to do next.

9. What's the most expensive traffic ticket you've ever received (could be monetary or jailtime)? I only ever got the one, thanks to the Albemarle County VA Sheriff's Department. I think it was about 70 bucks or so.

10. What is the name you've given to your current vehicle (be honest, everyone names their car)? Well, it's known around Orlge Manor simply as "Daddy's Jeep".

Posted by Robert at June 6, 2006 09:11 AM | TrackBack

I am in total agreement with #6.

Are you sure you're not my husband???

Posted by: GroovyVic at June 6, 2006 10:38 AM

Hey, I drive a PT Cruiser.

I see any hoofprints on it, I know who I'm coming after . . .

The PT has a great virtue, which is that you can completely remove every seat except the driver's -- making it extremely useful to haul furniture or lumber.

Or bodies.

Posted by: The Colossus at June 6, 2006 11:32 AM

I originally said nothing to #6, not even Hummers. But I am willing to shoot out any and all thumpa-thumpa bass blasters. If there's no police investigation.

Posted by: rbj at June 6, 2006 12:37 PM

What's wrong with a little thumpa-thumpa cranked up to get the booty shakin'? But really, I agree. I'm a fan of music and all but its still music about 300 decibles lower.

And I like fugly vehicles because chances are you're one of the minority that's driving them. Better to stand alone than to drive an SUV -or Jeep Wrangler ;)- like everyone else.

Posted by: Scuba at June 6, 2006 01:24 PM

Hey, I like hummers. Oh, I forgot, you're talking about cars here. Sorry.

Posted by: richj at June 6, 2006 04:19 PM