May 15, 2006

24 preview

1. who will be tonight's Star Trek redshirts? Will we even get their names?
2. will Dave Barry be happy because Audrey finally buys the farm?
3. will Aaron be waxed for calling Logan a disgrace to his office?
4. will Jack wax RoboCop?
5. How did Dr. Romano get his arm back, not to mention his life?

We find out tonight. . .

1. that sailor looked old to be a lieutenant but no matter because he was the Star Trek redshirt;
2. Aaron calls Logan a traitor and promises to bring him to justice, making him a goner but Martha pulls Aaron's chestnuts out of the fire and caps the bad guy Secret Service agent;
3. Chloe is in the doghouse for allowing that weasal Miles to erase the recording--I bet she settles the score next week;
4. The Jack Bauer PDA of Death did not make even a cameo appearance-he must be saving it for something good.

Posted by LMC at May 15, 2006 07:59 PM | TrackBack