May 11, 2006

Mother of Gawd, It's Weed Blogging!


After a flurry of recent gardening posts over at Beth's and Jen's, Jaynee of Cootiehog sent me this picture of a weed that is getting into her yard and asked if I could identify it.

Well, frankly, I cannot. I thought it might be some kind of plaintain, but I really don't know. However, in doing a bit of quick research, I stumbled across this nifty Weed Identification Guide put out by Virginia Tech, a veritable Rogue's Gallery of leafy villains, including many that have made it into the yard and gardens surrounding Orgle Manor.

I hope this helps, Jaynee. In the meantime, if the little bugger pictured above looks familiar to anyone else out there, drop us a line.

UPDATE: Now that I think about it, I guess we're going to start getting all kinds of traffic from both potheads and DEA agents. Honest, officer, it's all just a terrible misunderstanding......

YIPS from Steve: Hey there, pardner, be mighty careful with the Google chumming. After all, you were the one who had a post the other day that had "bong" in it. Leave the tricky stuff to me-----ginning up all sorts of illicit traffic from assorted pervs looking for nekkid pictures of Weather Channel hotties, and Margaret Thatcher.

Posted by Robert at May 11, 2006 08:10 AM | TrackBack

Oh sure, you'll post pictures of someone else's weed but not pictures of your own garden. I see how it is. :)

Posted by: beth at May 11, 2006 08:36 AM

I can't really tell from the picture, but it looks like it might be some form of dock (Rumex sp.). Does it have a tap root?

Posted by: Don at May 11, 2006 09:34 AM

Ah yes, "weed" and "bong". Now all you need for the Google chumming DEA folks to find you are "EZ wider", "Hyroponics", and "grow light".

Oops, my bad . . .

Posted by: The Colossus at May 11, 2006 10:51 AM