May 10, 2006

Random Commuter Observations

This morning's walk from the Metro was rather interesting in that I saw two different Segways, one of which very nearly blind-sided me. You can't hear the damn things coming and from the few times I've seen them, their riders appear to believe themselves above both pedestrian laws and common courtesy.

Needless to say, both the Segways I saw this morning were piloted by absolute and utter dorks.

Another source of agitation - which I encounter far more frequently - was the clueless Metro rider sitting next to me. I had the window seat and he had the aisle. Despite the fact that I made all sorts of getting-ready-to-get-up motions before my stop and as we were pulling in, he was still utterly amazed when I finally had to ask him to let me out, as if I'd suddenly asked him to explain the principle of Schrodinger's Cat. Surely it's a basic civic duty of aisle sitters to pay attention and to recognize that their seatmates may wish to get out at any given stop. Am I so wrong to expect this?

YIPS from Steve-O: Yes.

FURTHER YIPS from Steve-O: Tell me you did say, "I say, old chap... You have to had said that.

Yips! back from Robbo: Actually, it was Old Companion.....

Posted by Robert at May 10, 2006 07:56 AM | TrackBack

Perhaps he was both dead and alive at the same time...

BTW recently a group in France was able to make Schrodinger's kittens...

Posted by: LB Buddy at May 10, 2006 08:11 AM

This is one of the reasons I stand on the Metro unless I can get a whole seat to myself (i.e. it's not rush hour, touron season, and the moon is properly aligned with Venus). I don't understand why people think they're the critical exception to common courtesy and/or pedestrian/traffic laws. Today I had four oblivious idiots decide that just because there was a crosswalk it was ok for them to cross the street - despite the fact that the light was green in the other direction and I was hurtling down the road with just barely enough time to stop to wait for them to amble. No, it's never ok to hit a pedestrian. But that doesn't make it ok to just walk out in front of moving vehicles.

Posted by: beth at May 10, 2006 08:41 AM

Needless to say, both the Segways I saw this morning were piloted by absolute and utter dorks.

So when does yours arrive?


Posted by: Bill from INDC at May 10, 2006 09:10 AM