April 28, 2006

Where's Robbo?

The Missus is headed off to Fort LMC first thing tomorrow morning to commune with Mrs. LMC about this, that and the other, so I'm scrambling to get as much done today as I can before having to deal with the Llama-ettes single-handedly this weekend. I'll tell you all about it later, but two nifty things have already occured:

For one, I was first in line to get my car inspected this morning. In and out in ten minutes. Sweet.

For another, I got carded laying in this weekend's supply of vino. Yes, indeedy, I'm Robbo the Llama Butcher and I'm Forty One Years Young!

Yip! at you later.

UPDATE: Front doors repainted and front yard mown. After lunch, it's the back yard. Then trimming. Then weed killer. That leaves the rest of the weekend for pruning and staking, which really only take one eye (as opposed to these other jobs), leaving the other one available to monitor the kiddies.

Painting the front doors necessitated leaving them wide open for a while. This, in turn, necessitated jailing the cats in order to prevent their wandering off. Here's a thing I hate about cats: I know for a fact that Jenny (the elder) spends her days sacked out on the basement sofa while Bella (the younger) goes into a coma on our bed. But as soon as I close the doors to those rooms, these two start acting like I've just sent them off to the Cat Gulag.

Cats - it's all about control with them.

UPDATE DEUX: Done and done. By the way, I note that the peonies are maybe a week away from blooming, so stand my for some crude first attempts at pics. I also note that, unless my neighbor steals it first, I'm a gonna have some fresh asparagus with din-dins tomorrow night.

Posted by Robert at April 28, 2006 09:11 AM | TrackBack

You got carded? Damn. I'm 38 and I don't get carded anymore at all. I hate that.

Posted by: RP at April 28, 2006 09:31 AM

I've stopped getting carded in the last year or two. And I'm 41 too.

Posted by: rbj at April 28, 2006 09:33 AM

I literally have not been carded since I was 17. I look like the Nick Nolte arrest picture, I guess.

Posted by: The Colossus at April 28, 2006 09:52 AM

A few months ago, one of my patients said I look like I was in my early thirties (I'm 42)...

Posted by: KMR at April 28, 2006 10:27 AM

I didn't get carded until I was over 30. I still get carded and I'm 39. I'm often taken for being at least 10 years younger than I am.

Posted by: jen at April 28, 2006 11:42 AM

I last got carded about six months ago. And I was buying cigarettes, which you can do when you're nineteen. Idiot convenience store clerk.

Getting carded was an annoyance for a long while, and then it became pathetically reassuring. Now that I'm pushing forty (and pretty damn grouchy and irritable, I might add), it's back to being an annoyance.

Posted by: utron at April 28, 2006 01:13 PM

I've never been carded, per se, but people demand to see my passport constantly...I guess it's the clothes and the monocle...Get's them every time...

Posted by: Basil Seal at April 28, 2006 01:29 PM