March 20, 2006

An on-line campaign I can endorse

I don't get much into online petitions or campaigns---I'm not really into the cause of the week or the outrage du jour, partly because I have a short attention span, but also because it gets old after awhile. I can't do perpetual outrage, and I think it makes the blog especially boring, even if you have a bottomless capacity for bile.

That said, our old pal Irish Elk has started a campaign to get Negro League great Buck O'Neill into the Hall of Fame. When I first saw that I was stunned, assuming that Mr. O'Neill had to be in there already. But no. So, here's something I can finally endorse.

UPDATE: It being 2006 and all, there's an Induct Buck blog.

But of course.

Posted by Steve at March 20, 2006 08:07 AM | TrackBack

And across the great divide, I can get behind this one too...

Posted by: LB Buddy at March 20, 2006 09:40 AM