March 14, 2006
Sending out the LLama love
Okay, our long time reader (Hi Mrs. Rob's Mom!) knows we never, ever have banged the tin cup here at the LLamas, unlike certain other sad-sack Joan Crawfords of the blogworld. That's because we do it for the fun, the laughs, and all the free breadsticks we get at our local Olive Garden because we are internets celebrities.
Anyhoo, in lieu of a sponsorship drive, we'd like instead for everyone to go over to Leopold Stotch's place and give him some Yips. I've actually met Professor Chaos in real life, and he's a hell of a stand-up guy. He's definitely someone you could go out in the alley with to knock some heads if need be. And, quite frankly, the academic job market is kicking him in the ass for several completely no good reasons.
So, I'd consider it a personal favor to head over there and give him some Yips, offer to buy him a beer the next time you are in Our Nation's Capitol, and to keep away from the Frank McCourt this St. Patty's Day.
Thank you, and good night.
Posted by Steve at March 14, 2006 12:15 AM | TrackBack