March 10, 2006
The Death of Blogging
Dan Gross and other NYT types have been trying (praying, desperately) to see any signs of the death of blogging and how it is the CB radio of the Ut-Ohs (or whatever we are calling this decade).
The answer, however, comes here: MC Hammer's blog. (Warning: annoying MC Hammer music cues up when you visit).
We predicted the exact date of the death of blogging December 9, 2004.
UPDATE: Yet another has-been Corey Feldmaniac celebrity blog here.
Posted by Steve at March 10, 2006 11:40 AM | TrackBackYeah, I've often said that blogging is the parachute pants of interactive electronic media. In fact, I wish I had a nickel for every time I'e said that.
Posted by: utron at March 10, 2006 11:48 AMThanks for the warning - I already have the chorus of "Can't Touch This" running through my head - without visiting the blog.
1st Rule Of Blogging: No Cue in Music or Macromedia Flash Effects!
Desperately trying to summmon in the actual words of "Super Freak"...
Posted by: Sadie at March 10, 2006 11:49 AMCould be worse: could be Vanilla Ice.
But then he'd have to, like, be able to read.
Posted by: Steve the LLamabutcher at March 10, 2006 11:50 AMWhy didn't someone tell the ol' Hammer that he "can't touch this" while gesticulating madly at the computer in the household?
That said, if blogging really is the parachute pants of interactive electronic media (per Utron up there), does that mean I'm finally cool? Or am I still a poser like I was when I finally got some parachute pants...because they were on the clearance rack and no one was wearing them anymore?
Posted by: beth at March 10, 2006 12:53 PMYa know, associating Sadie with the song "super Freak" wasn't really something a happily married man needs to get stuck in his head.
Posted by: Brian B at March 10, 2006 12:55 PMYeah, she's more of a Brick House girl....
Posted by: Steve the LLamabutcher at March 10, 2006 04:22 PM