March 06, 2006

Gratuitous Netflix Movie Noodling

The Missus and I spent an pleasant evening watching My Big Fat Greek Wedding this weekend. Unfortunately, ever since then I've had John Cleese's Cheese Shop customer voice shouting, "Shut that bloody bouzouki up!" in my head.

My life.

Now here's a question for anyone who remembers this movie: Didn't the father, who had a Windex-can-fix-anything-fetish, at some point squirt some into somebody's mouth? I kept waiting for this bit to happen but it never did.

Posted by Robert at March 6, 2006 01:26 PM | TrackBack

I think that part is in the Director's Cut. There's a creative writing prompt for you, Robbo, make up Director's Cuts for all your favorite films.

Posted by: Marjorie at March 6, 2006 02:05 PM

My wife and I laugh when it comes on, because I love Windex as much as Michael Constantine. I've got about 4 bottles of it in my computer network room (all those screens to clean).

Posted by: The Colossus at March 6, 2006 04:33 PM

I've got about 4 bottles of it in my computer network room (all those screens to clean).

There is such a dirty joke embedded in that sentence...

Posted by: LB buddy at March 6, 2006 05:53 PM

it was in the Director's Cut....but the most hysterical part of that whole joke is only known to those whose parents or grandparents came over on the boat from Europe during any one of the great migrations. At that time in Europe and especially during the ship board passage and Ellis Island, the medicene of choice was an listerine type antiseptic. This stuff was used liberally to keep contagion down especially as the ship got nearer to port. If anyone had an illness of any kind, it prevented them from entering the country and they had to be held in isolation wards until their illness cleared up. We STILL tell the story of how my grandmother had picked at her cuticle around her thumb nail until it got a little infection and the family was terrified that she wouldn't pass with the rest of them through immigration (that story requires a whole additional post).

To make this long story not so short, the antiseptic was BLUE (much like the wash used today in barber shops to store the combs). When the new immigrants arrived and began to shop, they saw the bottle of blue liquid and assumed that it was for medicinal purposes....not windows. Many of our great uncles and aunts got treated by the infamous blue they even survived childhood after all they used and consumed is beyond us! It wasn't until years later, when my great grandmother attempted to dose me with the blue stuff while baby sitting that someone FINALLY noticed what was going on explained to her what it really was! Every time we see the windex bottle coming out we get hysterical!

Posted by: janeye at March 6, 2006 06:32 PM

oh, it really WAS in the director's cut? I was just kidding -- I saw it on some VHS my mom bought, no fancy features on that thing.

Posted by: Marjorie at March 7, 2006 05:27 PM

But that would mean I saw the Director's Cut in the theatre and an edited version on DVD, since I've only seen it twice. Does this happen?

Posted by: Robbo the LB at March 7, 2006 05:36 PM