February 19, 2006


Time for another evening of rubbernecking at the babes of yesteryear. Tonight's feature, Lauren Tewes from The Love Boat, that series around which college students arranged their class schedules, even when it was just re-runs in syndication. As Cruise Director Julie McCoy, Lauren was quite the heart-breaker. Sadly, it was the high point of her career. Even more sadly, she pulled time on Fantasy Island where starlets of a certain era went in desperation to revive their fortunes before their careers went completely down the tubes. Time has not been kind to Lauren, but we remember her when she was back in the day.

Posted by LMC at February 19, 2006 08:22 PM | TrackBack

She was never quite my cup of tea. Yet another example of "how cocaine can screw up your career and life", see also: Strawberry, Darryl and Gooden, Dwight.

Posted by: rbj at February 20, 2006 01:58 PM

Although she was an important factor in making Love Boat/Star Trk: TNG comparisons:

Bald captain, check.
Annoying child of a ship's officer, check.
Wise Black bartender, check.
"Sexy" crewmember in charge of morale, check.
"Sexy but older" Doctor (Crusher, not what's her name), check.
Gopher... ok, I got nothing, but I'm sure there's a connection.

Posted by: Brian B at February 20, 2006 04:52 PM