February 09, 2006


Episco Shield.png

It's the Blog of Daniel, put out by the Episcopal Diocese of Washington (or "EDOW" as the posts are signed).

The blog apparently was started to "dialogue" (as we like to say) about NBC's short-lived Book of Daniel, (or as I recently called it, Desperate Housewives Go To Seminary) but seems to have blossomed into a forum to discuss a wide variety of social, political and theological topics. (Among today's posts is a piece on how the Church of England has decided to go after the Caterpillar Co. for selling bulldozers to those mean ol' Israelis.)

Actually, after a quick scan, I think this blog is a good thing, as it offers a window into the heart of Episcopal liberalism today. Alas, it's also a bad thing, as it offers a window into the heart of Episcopal liberalism today.

(Y'all realize that, vestry membership notwithstanding, sooner or later I'm going to get hauled off to my own parish's Harmony Hut for making remarks like this.)

UPDATE: Speaking of such things, here's a thread of Episcopalian jokes. The opener is one I haven't heard before:

Jesus said to them, "Who do you say that I am?"

They replied, "You are the eschatological manifestation of the ground of our being, the kerygma of which we find the ultimate meaning in our interpersonal relationships."

And Jesus said, "What?"

LOL. Read some more - the usual blend of social snobbery, liberal politics and hazy theology, but quite funny.

UPDATE DEUX: Kewel Episcopal Shield added. I really, really love our shield.

UPDATE TROIS: For a different perspective, check out Christopher Johnson's Midwest Conservative Journal. I may need to add a whole new Episco-blog subcategory to the blogroll.

Posted by Robert at February 9, 2006 03:13 PM | TrackBack

Do you think they'll get pissed if I ask how they can ignore certain of Paul's teachings and still call themselves a Paulist Church? As an old Eagle Scout who recieved the Episcopal God and Country meda, I really would like that answered, even though I have no intention of going back to a faith that could ordain a gay minister without at least saying which of Paul's tenets were wrong and why.

Posted by: B's Freak at February 9, 2006 03:44 PM

I know a couple of fairly snarky Episcopal jokes, but I'll table them in favor of a true, non-Episcopal story.

Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes had a tradition of inviting his clerks to join him for Sunday dinner. One Sunday his guest was a new clerk, who was a bit intimidated by the honor. Hoping to break the ice, the clerk described the sermon his minister had delivered that morning. When he finished there was a rather chilly silence, which Mrs. Holmes broke by announcing, “Young man, Justice Holmes and I are Unitarians. We never discuss religion.â€

Posted by: utron at February 9, 2006 05:04 PM

Might I point you to an oustanding Episco-blogger?

Midwest Conservative Journal. Good stuff, there.

Posted by: Russ at February 10, 2006 04:19 AM