January 15, 2006

Save the Hatemongers Quarterly from a certain fate WORSE than death

The Crack Young Staff over at the HMQ seems to believe that they have become the Scott Baio of the blogosphere, and are threatening to stop posting so that their popularity can only but rise.

This, friends, is unacceptable: we need "Chip" to understand that they are much more to us than that: I've always fondly thought of them as the "Joey Lawrence" of the Blogosphere, the lovably wacky brother of the tee-vee Russo clan, possibly brain-damaged by an unfortunate run-in with a paper bag and a large bottle of Testor's model airplane glue.

So, lets send a ton of traffic over there, if only to hear Chip say, "Like, Whoaaaa!"

Posted by Steve at January 15, 2006 06:07 PM | TrackBack

Wow, the Joey Lawrence of the Internet?! That is super-cool. Steve, can you be our Six? We always thought she was hot.

Posted by: The Crack Young Staff at January 15, 2006 06:50 PM

Do NOT accidently re-trigger that whole "who is the biggest babe of Star Trek" thing, okay? We still haven't recovered from that Six of 9/Janeway/Nurse Chapel donnybrook.

Posted by: Steve the LLamabutcher at January 15, 2006 11:04 PM