December 29, 2005


Phin, this is for you. The renowned Montgomery Inn in Cincinnati, Ohio has the best ribs in the Midwest. Known to the locals as The Boathouse for its location on the banks of the Ohio, this is a must-see if your travels take you to the city formerly known as Porkopolis. My father in law ensures we eat there at least once every time the LMC horde is in town. God bless him.

Posted by LMC at December 29, 2005 10:07 AM | TrackBack

...and be sure to let us know when you're coming. The Southern Ohio Blogger Alliance would love to meet some bloggers from other regions of the country.

Posted by: Matt Hurley at December 29, 2005 04:35 PM

Thanks LMC and just in time too.
Looks like I may be headed out to Cincinnati at some point in the next couple of months (if I can't send one of the minions at work).

Posted by: phin at December 29, 2005 04:59 PM