October 11, 2007

Back in the 'box

Yours truly is back at Forward Operating Base LMC from my R&R leave. Suffice it to say, my leave was great-the outpouring of support from my family, friends, and co-workers meant more to me than I will ever be able to adequately express.

A few random notes:
1. The support from average Americans is staggering. A middle-aged fellow came up to me at the airport, pressed a $20 bill in my hand and said: "Please, have a beer on me." He walked away with my protests falling on deaf ears. Bless his heart, but we cannot consume alcohol while travelling on Big Army's dime, and even if we could, we are covered by federal rules prohibiting all but the minor of gifts. It is the thought that counts and I hope he understands when I say his twenty ended its travels in the collection jar in the Atlanta airport USO. They will put it to good use.
2. Speaking of the Atlanta USO, it was manned last Sunday by a crew of volunteers who seemed to be largely from one of the local synagogues. These volunteers were having a merry time pushing sandwiches, soft drinks, and conversation on weary travellers. One was a retired federal judge.
3. Books read on the flight back and while cooling my heels in Kuwait and BIAP: Longitude (a biography of the man who invented the first clocks accurate enough to be used for navigation); Jefferson's War (Barbary pirates--1801-1805); My Grandfather's Son (Clarence Thomas' autobiography), and about 60 pages of The Federalist Papers. I recommend all of them.
4. Mrs. LMC, post Chief of Staff and Final Authority on All Matters Concerning Popular Culture, received the additional titles of Civil Administrator and Director of Martial Law in recognition of the tremendous load she has carried alone for a year since my mobilization and subsequent deployment. She is better than I ever deserve.
5. Many thanks to KMR, Robbo and The Butcher's Wife, and everyone else who made the trek to Fort LMC to share a cold adult beverage.
6. Why does anyone listen to Chris Matthews? He had Ron Paul on Tuesday night talking about why there should be a congressional declaration of war before any attack on Iran's nuclear facilities should be attempted. Matthews agreed with him--I guess neither of them read: Jefferson's War.

Posted by LMC at October 11, 2007 12:48 PM | TrackBack
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