September 15, 2004

Hold On, Mr. President!

Dan Rather to George Dubya: Answer the Questions.

We Llamas have a couple questions too:

- Yes or no, Mr. President, have you stopped beating your wife?

- Can you prove, Mr. President, that you were nowhere in the vicinity when Baby Bear's oatmeal was stolen and his chair was broken?

- Can you prove, Mr. President, that you haven't sold out the Human Race to the Cylons?

- Can you prove, Mr. President, that you never ate all the Cracklin' Oat Bran?

- Can you prove, Mr. President, that you didn't steal Fuzzy Lifting Water?

- Can you prove, Mr. President, that you were not behind the Grassy Knoll?

- Can you prove, Mr. President, that all you need is love?

- Can you prove, Mr. President, that it wasn't you who made a yummy sound?

We didn't think so.

We're with you, Dan!

UPDATE: And remember, Allah likes your style!

Posted by Robert at September 15, 2004 04:57 PM | TrackBack
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