April 08, 2005

More Cylons In OUr Midst

"Proceed...with next phase of Earth infiltration...."

A while back, I posted on the horrible danger my semi-cousin Cam was letting himself in for by allowing himself to be seduced by his Bimini GPS navigational system.

Now, no less a luminary than Reynolds himself is being taken in by a different manifestation of this intergalactic menace: robot lawnmowers.

People, I tell you truly. These things may look like a good idea. But at the appointed time, they're all gonna receive instructions from Cylon High Command to go for your Achilles tendons, incapacitating you so the second wave can mop up more easily. When that happens, don't say I didn't warn you.

UPDATE: And let me just point out again that this is just part of their plan. Watching this show exposes you to highly-subtle rays that alter the genetic structure of your corneae. When the Cylons eventually flip the switch, your eyes are going to swell up and explode, leaving you blind and helpless.

It's all true.

UPDATE DEUX: Eric at Classical Values weighs in with a lawnmowing counterproposal. I dunno how efficient one of these things would be in keeping the grass neat, but I'd take on one of those robots with it any day.

Posted by Robert at April 8, 2005 01:29 PM

The invasion is planned for when the series returns. Everyone will be watching so the Cylons will be able to catch us unawares. Be prepared on July gaaaaaa

Posted by: RobertJ at April 8, 2005 03:08 PM

The real problem is vision. Once they've got you into one of their suits, you feel indestructible but eyeing the enemy becomes a challenge and despite any advanced level of spry'ness, good luck trying to maneuver around obstacles. Seriously.

Posted by: Paladin at April 8, 2005 03:13 PM
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