September 01, 2005

Katrina Relief


As most of you probably know already, the Blogsphere is organizing as a clearinghouse for information on how you can help in the disaster relief. Glenn and Michelle have What You Can Do round-ups. Our pal Jen does, too. Terry Teachout is keeping up a compilation of information links. Kevin at Wizbang is also seeking support for fellow Wizbanger Paul, who was left homeless in New Orleans. Paul, in turn, has some very real practical advice.

Here's my candidate for a worthy cause: The Episcopal Relief and Development Fund. Contributions will be funneled through the Diocese of Mississippi and Louisiana, and elsewhere as the need becomes apparent, in order to provide whatever on-the-ground assistance is most beneficial. Hugh Hewitt has information on some other church-based relief efforts.

Bottom line - Do what you can.

UPDATE: I read about this earlier but forgot to include it here: Our pal Michele of Letters from NYC is holding a kind of cyber-yard sale/auction in order to raise relief money. Items include her sexy voice mail greeting. From what I gather, at ten dollars a pop, she's practically giving this away.

UPDATE DEUX: Our good friends over at Apothegm Designs are throwing their services into the ring by auctioning off a custom blog make-over. Go on over and place a bid. And while you're there, ask a question that's been much on my mind - Is that Phin under the bowler?

UPDATE TROIS: NZ Bear, Old King Log of the TTLB Ecosystem, has set up a Blog for Relief site.

UPDATE QUATRE: Michele is organizing a school supply drive.

UPDATE CINQ: The folks at Wizbang are now auctioning a guest-posting gig.

Posted by Robert at September 1, 2005 11:59 PM | TrackBack

I'm from Mississippi - we're some of the lucky few who had power restored today, with 200,000 customers still doing without, in an August heat that is damn near apocalyptic. God bless all of you who are doing so much to help with a disaster that strains the limits of the imagination.

The horrors of New Orleans are well-covered, but more attention needs to be paid to the devastation of the Gulf Coast, where the full force of Katrina hit. Innumerable communities simply aren't there anymore, wiped out by storm surges of 20-28 feet. Governor Barbour is doing some heroic work, but help is needed.

Posted by: RS at September 3, 2005 03:45 AM
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