April 04, 2005
Papal Succession
The Colossus has profiles up of the current favorites, complete with a link to the latest betting lines. I agree with him that checking the market is probably a more accurate way of predicting the future than is relying on the Punditistas.
Speaking of such things, at my Junior Illuminati induction workshop this weekend, I was let in on the Vestryman's Prayer: "Please, God, do not force us to start a search for a new rector on my watch."
Posted by Robert at April 4, 2005 10:51 AM
Thanks for the link, there is much more to come.
I can imagine that replacing a rector has got to be an utterly thankless job. I had imagined in the Epsicopal church the bishop did it, but it sounds from what you are saying that the lay folk have a say in the process -- which, I can imagine, means it is fraught with difficulty verging on impossibility.
I dated a Congregationalist for some years, and she explained to me how difficult it was to replace a minister -- especially so in the case of a church where each congregation is, in a sense, its own distinct religious community.
Posted by: The Colossus at April 4, 2005 01:35 PMThe Episcopal Church is kind of a hybrid. We have a governing hierarchy very similar to the Catholic Church, except that with us positions (Bishoprics, etc.) are filled by various kinds of election, not appointment. For an individual parish's Rector, that parish's Vestry gets saddled with the job of finding and bringing him in. It's a task nobody wants.
Posted by: Robert the LB at April 4, 2005 02:15 PM