December 01, 2004
A scary thought
Sometimes, I lie awake at night worried with an existensial conundrum: are we all just characters in a giant Moo Knew Sims neighborhood running on Reverend Pixy's jerry-rigged computer? And, if so, does he have adequate surge protection? What about spill-guards?
I mean, it would explain a lot around here....
Posted by Steve at December 1, 2004 12:27 AMComments
Oh! And visors. With sneeze-guards.
Those would be cool.
Posted by: Margi at December 1, 2004 03:43 AMOh yes, I think we ALL have these thoughts from time to time. But is it our job to worry? Best to just don our munuvian robes, drink our special kool-aid and quietly acquiesce...
Trust the Reverend.
Posted by: Key at December 1, 2004 10:31 AMPost a comment