November 10, 2004
How bout a little midday Julie Andrews fix?
Our old pal Rae starts a new meme: what are your favorite things?
I'd have to add to the list a personal pet fantasy of mine, that of chasing after novice Julie Andrews up on an Austrian mountaintop meadow, while I'm driving a Toro lawn tractor with an umbrella, a tee-vee set, and a cooler of Bud(TM) tall boys chilling on the side. Also, I'm talking like Scotty (or is it Groundskeeper Willie?) yelling, "Com bak, yegh Kath-oh-lick lassie yu...pappy weel shew yegh hees whiskers een hees kitten!"
Posted by Steve at November 10, 2004 01:35 PM | TrackBackComments've ruined it for me.
Personally, I liked the Mary Poppins...a little soot on the cheek like she's been romping with Bert...look.
Posted by: Vic Barry (former regional rock star) at November 10, 2004 02:06 PMPost a comment