November 08, 2004

Bridget Jones' Hate Club

Dayum! It isn't often that you see Sheila aiming the broken Guiness bottle for the face, but she's got it in big time for Renee Zellweger. (I'm staying out of this because I don't have much of an opinion one way or another. But oddly enough, the actresse Sheila cites as the sort of anti-Renee, Julia Roberts, leaves me stone cold. Go figure.)

Meanwhile, Kathleen the Cake Eater is being all coy about whether or not she'll see the latest Bridget Jones movie. I'm not buying it for an instant and I'll give you a two word reason: Colin Firth. 'Nuff said.

YIPS from Steve:

One of our favorites writes in with her two cents:

Why I brought up Julia Roberts is that - like I said - regardless of whether or not you think she is good or not - her fame came from the public falling in love with her (obviously not EVERYONE, but I'm talking about the statistics here) Pretty Woman was not supposed to be a huge hit, and nobody expected what happened with it to happen to it. Julia Roberts was paid SCALE for that film.

I remember vividly the brou-haha when Pretty Woman came out. I'm a bit
obsessed with Julia, because we are the same age, I'm an actress, I've
met her a couple times, I like her a lot, and it's hard not to feel
like: 'Jesus, my career SUCKS' when I compare mine to hers.

I just get the sense that Renee Z has a publicity machine working
behind her - getting her all the mag covers, getting her the great roles,
etc. Julia Roberts, at the time her moment HIT, did not. She had an
agent. That was it.

Okay, I'll stop now. I could talk about this shite forever!!

LLamas rule!

Okay, so I added the "LLamas Rule" thing at the end, but otherwise I'm with Sheila on this one: Julia....MMMMmmmmmm, while Renee....blecch. I mean, she's no lusty Teutonic commie figure skater, but hey, close enough. And don't even get me started on Meg Ryan, as I have only four words for you: Joe versus the Volcano. Nuff said.joe volcano.jpeg

But that's just me, Mister Vegas

Posted by Robert at November 8, 2004 05:53 PM | TrackBack

I dunno, I find the Rubenesque figure she obtains for the role to be a turn-on.

Posted by: Joe R. the Unabrewer at November 8, 2004 09:05 PM

Well, as usual, I prefer the book, and read it a loooooong time ago. I prefer Renee to Julia; she has a much better sphere of acting; not the same ole same ole. Although, I do hear that the new one with Julia in it is pretty good....

Posted by: Rae at November 8, 2004 09:24 PM

Why I brought up Julia Roberts is that - like I said - regardless of whether or not you think she is good or not - her fame came from the public falling in love with her (obviously not EVERYONE, but I'm talking about the statistics here) Pretty Woman was not supposed to be a huge hit, and nobody expected what happened with it to happen to it. Julia Roberts was paid SCALE for that film.

I remember vividly the brou-haha when Pretty Woman came out. I'm a bit obsessed with Julia, because we are the same age, I'm an actress, I've met her a couple times, I like her a lot, and it's hard not to feel like: 'Jesus, my career SUCKS' when I compare mine to hers.

I just get the sense that Renee Z has a publicity machine working behind her - getting her all the mag covers, getting her the great roles, etc. Julia Roberts, at the time her moment HIT, did not. She had an agent. That was it.

Okay, I'll stop now. I could talk about this shite forever!!

heh heh

Posted by: red at November 9, 2004 10:31 AM

Oh, we always count it as a huge treat when you comment here, Sheila, so feel free to carry on as much as you like!

Actually, I took your point about Julia Roberts earning her fame immediately. My observation wasn't meant in any way to dispute it. I simply don't understand the Roberts appeal.

Posted by: Robert the LB at November 9, 2004 10:40 AM

I know a lot of people who don't get her appeal. I always was kind of jealous and bitter about her, because of her success (I had a small part in Mystic Pizza, too - but it was cut out - which makes the whole thing worse) - and so to watch her flourish ... it made me nuts. But then I saw Erin Brokovich and thought: Okay, you know what? That was a wonderful performance. Hats off, Jule-babe.

Posted by: red at November 9, 2004 10:57 AM

What are you trying to say? I didn't see a /sarcasm tag. Joe Versus the Volcano KICKS ASS!

"I know one thing for sure: We're never going ANYWHERE without that luggage."

You must have a brain cloud or something not to like that movie.

Philistines. *head check*

Posted by: Bloghorn Bleghorn at November 9, 2004 07:38 PM

My favorite line from Joe vs. the Volcano is Meg Ryan saying in her husky deadpan voice:

"I have no response to that."

Posted by: red at November 10, 2004 11:27 AM
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