November 05, 2004

This Blows

Last night, the first big gen-u-ine howling fall cold front hit the Dee-Cee area with a whoop and a holler. In keeping with tradition, it immediately knocked the power out at my house. (I woke up at around 3 AM at an unusually loud wind gust, but don't know if the power was out already.)

As of about 1 PM this afternoon, the bloody power is still out. (Dominion Virginia Power says we're one of about 390 customers still without in NoVa.)

Thank you for reading this rant.

Posted by Robert at November 5, 2004 01:03 PM | TrackBack

A whoop and a holler? Careful there, Mr. Rather...

Posted by: JohnL at November 5, 2004 02:04 PM

Catching that wind today up here on Staten Island. Tore my flags and their mounts clean off the house.

I'm blaming it on all the post-election bad gas being passed from "intelligencia" ass.

Posted by: TC-LeatherPenguin at November 5, 2004 02:23 PM
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