October 14, 2004

Post-Debate Burnout Quiz

What Biological Molecule Are You?

You are starch. You are rigid, opinionated,
hard-willed and not too friendly about it. You
keep people out of places, or you keep them in,
and without you a lot of things would collapse.
hopefully you'll never have the authority to
burn people at the stake. Sir. Ma'am.

Which Biological Molecule Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

No surprises here.

Seen hither and yon. Lifted from Brew's World.

Posted by Robert at October 14, 2004 11:26 AM | TrackBack

Welcome to the world of starch. I'm a starch, too. Although, I'm very friendly about being rigid, opinionated, and hard-willed. And I haven't burned anything lately at the stake except, well, steak.

Posted by: Denise at October 15, 2004 04:50 AM
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