September 24, 2004

All Together Now: AAAAAW...

My six year old has been gung-ho about running a lemonade stand with a couple of her little friends. Today was the big day - they set up at their school just in time for dismissal so that they would catch the crowd coming out. At 25 cents a pop, the Butcher's Wife informs me they made thirty seven dollars.

But the nice thing is that they had decided they were going to donate all their proceeds to charity. So they gave the money to the school and the school cut a check to Share Our Strength for the Capital Area Food Bank.

I think that's pretty sweet.

Yip! at you later.

Posted by Robert at September 24, 2004 05:12 PM | TrackBack

That's very cool. You must be one proud papa!

Posted by: Ted at September 24, 2004 07:10 PM

Since you won't say it, I will: it reflects well on you as a parent. Good on ya.

Posted by: Brian B at September 24, 2004 08:32 PM
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