September 17, 2004

American legal history, pimp-style

I'm copying all my work files off the laptop onto CDs to transfer to the new desktop at work.

So while I'm waiting for the disks to copy, I decided to return to the Pimp Name Generator of earlier today and run through the names of the current U.S. Supreme Court.

Here goes:

William Rehnquist.....................Silicon Slick Rehnquist Skillz
Sandra Day O'Connor...............Professor Truth Sandra Day Flayva
John Paul Stevens....................Sheik John Paul Smoove
Antonin Scalia..........................Pimp Daddy A. Tickle
Anthony Kennedy.....................Sticky Fingers Anthony Shizzle
Clarence Thomas.....................Funk Master Thomas Dogg
David Souter...........................Professor Truth D. Slimmm
Stephen Breyer.......................Sugartastic Stephen Shizzle

and, of course,

Ruth Bader Ginsberg................Snake Eyes Ruth Bader Beautiful.

And in case you were wondering,

Oliver Wendell Holmes.............Golden Brown Oliver Wendell Rockefeller
Woodrow Wilson......................Deacon Dr. Wilson Slither
Theodore Roosevelt.................Treacherous Roosevelt Schmoove
James Madison........................Macktastic James Beautiful
William Jefferson Clinton...........Pimptastic William Jefferson Dazzle
William Howard Taft.................G. Digital Taft Slither
Warren Harding........................Shiek Warren Rock
Calvin Coolidge........................Calvin Coolidge (that's already about as macked up as you can get!)

and, of course:

Richard Milhous Nixon...............Pimp Daddy Milhous Dogg

The authors of the Federalist Papers? Funk Master Alexander Gates, Macktastic James Beautiful, and Vicious D.Jay Glide.

And let us not forget the famous 1804 duel between former vice president Deacon Dr. Burr Kicks and former Secretary of the Treasury Funk Master Alexander Gates, nor that on July 4th, 1826, fifty years after the signing of the Declaration of Independence, in Massachusetts, Big Playah Adams Schizzle spoke his last words, "The 4th, and yet Tricktickler J. Valentine still lives." Alas, Tricktickler J. Valentine had died at Dopetastic Monticello Quick earlier that same day.

Posted by Steve at September 17, 2004 12:54 AM | TrackBack
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