September 13, 2004


Mr. Enoch Soames, Esq., brings word of a new Tom Wolfe novel! Looks like Wolfe is tilting at the Ivory Tower this time around. I, for one, am quite excited about this. (For all of you faithful readers who know the real Stanley Ipkiss behind the Robert the Llama Butcher mask, I'd point out that it's never too early to be thinking about Christmas presents.......)

As it happens, Wolfe is an alum of Washington & Lee University and spoke at my law school commencement there. I got the curious sensation that half the faculty - ardent libs, most of them - didn't really know much about Wolfe's writing or what to expect from his address. What a show! Wolfe launched into a withering damnation of campus political correctness and virulent multi-culturalism that had jaws swinging on the stage inside of five minutes, but that had the (mostly) conservative student body grinning from ear to ear.

I'm guessing this latest book is going to have a healthy dose of those sentiments in it.

Posted by Robert at September 13, 2004 09:13 AM | TrackBack
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