November 24, 2005

The Storm Of The Century Of The Week And The Monsters In The Attic

Nature made up for her dawdling around about getting into the autumnal spirit by giving us a dusting of snow in the western suburbs of Dee Cee last evening. While it is not unusual to see the first snows out in the Blue Ridge at this time of year, I cannot remember the last time we had any snow at Thanksgiving up here in NoVA.

Must be global warming or sumpin'.

The storm system that came through this week also re-awoke the monsters in our attic. We have a couple of those bulbous, whirling heat vents on the roof. They must be starting to rust a bit, because in the past two winters, whenever the wind hits a certain speed, it causes them to start grating and scraping in a manner that generates the most God-awful noise - in fact, it sounds like a pair of woolly mammoths trumpeting at each other across the primordial bog.

The Llama-ettes had always slept through this before. But the past couple of nights, one or more of them has appeared at our bedside, complaining that the monsters are frightening them. Therefore, it's time for Super-Daddy to swing into action. I'm going to climb up into the space under the roof this weekend and see if I can WD-40 these things from the inside. (This is just a temporary fix - eventually I plan to get rid of the hidious chunks of aluminum altogether and replace them with nice, non-eyesore, flat vents.)

That'll show those nasty monsters a thing or two.

Posted by Robert at November 24, 2005 07:59 AM | TrackBack

Duct tape it!

Posted by: Zendo Deb at November 24, 2005 11:21 AM