November 21, 2005



"Another Robbo-in-drag holiday logo!!??"

Just you remember, me buck-o, that Robbo goes broadband in a couple days and one of the first installations on the new home Dell is going to be photoshop.

(YIPS from Steve: What, dear reader, set Rob off? Was it the presence of the plunging neckline?)

To violently change metaphoric gears and appropriate those famous words of wisdom:

Are you fameeliar weeth de Klingon proverb which tells that Revenge is a dish best served cold? Eet is verry cold in de Andesssss....

YIPS from Steve: To paraphrase Lord Worphin parsing Dubya, "Bring. It. On., Monkeyboy!"

While I'm on the subject of threats I'm not afraid of (see above), this brings me to things I've learned the hard way while blogging: never EVER piss of Cathy the Cakeeater (one of the best ways to do so is to spell her name with a "C"). Case in point: Kath rips Jimmah a new bunghole for violating the sacred turf of her Barnes & Noble, following on the heels of her ongoing kultur kampf against all things nouveau Pride & Prejudice.

Just like a Firth Lord she is, anger rules her judgment.

pride and like prejudice.jpg
Lighten up, Kathy! It's one freakin' car chase! Austen's just too slow for the modern viewer. Plus, Helen Hunt is a wicked awesome Elizabeth!

So to summarize, things I'm afraid of:

joani chachi.gif
The Joani luvs Cha-Chi X-Mas Special, brought to you by those evil folks at Halliburton

Things I'm not afraid of:

khan indc bling bling.jpg

Posted by Robert at November 21, 2005 03:05 PM | TrackBack