April 21, 2005

It's the Bill N' Jeff Show

The "Bad Boys of Right Talk Radio" are on right now. Tune in!

Update: Who did the Ed McMahon impersonation?

Update Next: John Cole of Balloon Juice is ranting about the internecine warfare on the Right surrounding the Terri Shiavo case. (Glad I stayed out of that pie-fight.) The general thread seems to be that when people get worked up over a particular issue, they can get nasty. But that would apply to a certain percentage of people of any stripe - left and right, religious and secular. I can understand why John is frustrated about this, but I don't really see why he's surprised.

Update III: Why is there such a huge difference in audio level between the guys doing the show and the commercial plugs between sections? I keep having to fiddle with the the volume control on my computer.

Update IV: Up next is ASV Michele. This should be interesting.....

Update V: Mmmmmmm'kay.......


UPDATE VII: Okay, Boys, inquiring minds want to know - Was that a put on or the real deal? Dayum!

UPDATE VIII: Jeff's comment posse seems to think it was staged. If so, somebody send Michele an Oscar, cos she sure sounded angry to me. Bill remains coy.

Posted by Robert at April 21, 2005 03:10 PM

I'm trying to figure out if that was all a put on with Michelle or if she really does have absolutely no sense of humor.

Posted by: The Colossus at April 21, 2005 03:55 PM

That was my first question. But if it was a put on Michele is onehell of an actress. On her site she said her part was taped so maybe she was able to practice or something. it was interesting though.

Posted by: Rick at April 21, 2005 04:01 PM

Having listened to an inordinate amount of sports talk radio, to the eternal detriment of my brain cells, I can at least recognize when something is read off a script. Michele's intro and outro were both read off a script.

Posted by: norbizness at April 21, 2005 10:08 PM

Certainly the first part was read off a script - and, IMHO, it sounded stilted and forced. But either Michele is a genius of deception, or else the second part was genuine. FWIW, I sincerely hope it is the former, because I hate to think she would really be such a humorless prig.

Posted by: Robert the LB at April 21, 2005 10:44 PM

Her opening was a scripted piece based on a blog post. Like an NPR bit.

The end? No script.

Posted by: Jeff G at April 21, 2005 11:05 PM

The difference in sound levels?
The boys are phoning in their contributions to the studio. The commercials and the links are done by people actually in a studio. So obviously better sound quality.

I don’t know whether you can do this in the US or not but what they want to do is get digital phone lines (ISDN for example) and use headphones, proper mike and so on to call their pieces in. Even using something like Skype might help sound quality.

I know of people who use such set ups to provide full broadcast quality voice overs for ads etc. and it’s not all that expensive. $500 or so provides something pretty good and for a little more than that (using , say, a proper VOIP connection over broadband)and proper acoustic shielding in the home office it will sound like they are actually in the studio.

Of course, they don’t want to start spending that sort of money but I think they’ll get there. That sort of rig will boost the show immensely I think, it will give them both fuller voices, add more timbre and bass.

Posted by: Tim Worstall at April 25, 2005 02:56 AM
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