April 19, 2005

Benedict XVI

The Corner is all over the announcement a few minutes ago of the election of Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger to the Papacy. Among other things, they link to the Ratzinger Fan Club website (which appears to be temporarily swamped) and K-Lo is putting up choice quotes as well.

I leave it to our resident RC to expand on these things, but it looks to me like this is a good day for Orthodoxy.

UPDATE: If Cokie Roberts is already calling him an "extremely controversial" Pope, you know it's a time for celebration.

UPDATE DEUX: The Maximum Leader offers his initial thoughts.

UPDATE TROIS: Jimmie at the Sundries Shack has more thoughts and some links, particularly on the MSM and the future of American Catholicism. I especially like The Anchoress' take.

YIPS from Steve: The weird way my memory works: there is a wicked portrait picture of Ratizinger that ran on the cover of the New York Times Sunday Magazine from 1985ish (I remember because the original LLamabutcher and I "modified" it [ah, back in the days before pshop when such things had to be done with a photocopy machine...] for a project we were doing for a theology class.)

If someone can dig that out, they've got gold in their hands.

FURTHER YIPS from Steve: Geraghty is en fuego on this. Best new use of the Albert Pujols joke by far. Apparently it only took CNN three minutes to critcize his views on gay marriage.

File under "yeah, that's a BIG surprise": Axis Sully is already predicting the New Inquisition.

WHY TORMENT MYSELF? The things I do for you people! Here's what those articulate, patriotic believers in the First Amendment and toleration at the Democratic Underground have to say about Benny 16. (scroll all the way down for the Bush/Rove conspiracy theorists). My favorite though is the one bitching about another neo-con in power: are they saying that Benny is under the sway of the world-wide Jewish conspiracy, which produced such atrocities as the Bushitler Smirky McChimp wars for ooooooooooooooooooillll, not to mention the designated hitter rule and astroturf?

Posted by Robert at April 19, 2005 01:09 PM

He is a good choice -- nay, a great choice. The Maureen Down reaction, when it comes, will be priceless.

Any bets as to the first liberal blogger who calls him a Nazi (he was drafted briefly into the Wehrmacht in WW II)?

I'm thinking Wolcott. O-Dub doesn't have the stones.

Posted by: The Colossus at April 19, 2005 01:52 PM

I was surprised by Cardinal Ratzinger's election only because of his age. He is certainly in better health at 78 than John Paul II who by that point had been shot three times and was afflicted with arthritis and Parkinson's. As the head of the Congregation on the Doctrine of the Faith, he has not shied away from enforcing doctrinal discipline high (Hans Kung, theologian of the Left and media darling) and low (a local parish priest some years ago whose homilies were heresy). If the media reports are to be believed, his greatest support was among cardinals in the Third World who face the real deal-life and death issues, radial Islam, etc. every day and want rock-solid support. Pope Bendict XVI was Pope John Paul II's closest aide, aside from his personal secretary, and another indication that the cardinals think the course set by John Paul II should continue without deviation.

Posted by: LMC at April 19, 2005 02:09 PM

LMC--I think you've nailed it.

I guess this means the end of the ecumenical dancers in my old diocese.

Now, if he were to do a Blutarski, and, coming down the steps of St. Peter's, would pluck the guitar out of the hands of some Kumbaya warbling leftie and smash it up against the wall, I think we'd have a winner.

Posted by: Steve TLB at April 19, 2005 04:30 PM

"Now, if he were to do a Blutarski, and, coming down the steps of St. Peter's, would pluck the guitar out of the hands of some Kumbaya warbling leftie and smash it up against the wall, I think we'd have a winner."

Ha. Hahah. hahhhahahhhaHHAHAAAA!

Ohmygod I love you guys....

Posted by: willow at April 19, 2005 07:54 PM

"Now, if he were to do a Blutarski, and, coming down the steps of St. Peter's, would pluck the guitar out of the hands of some Kumbaya warbling leftie and smash it up against the wall, I think we'd have a winner."

Tbank you, thank you for sharing that priceless mental image...It's the best that I've read so far.

Praying for B16 and us all--
Cherie B

Posted by: Cherie at April 20, 2005 11:43 AM
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