April 14, 2005

I'm not sure how this advances the dialectic

Our favorite Commie has a very cool link up to a new project that would use a widespread DNA collection as a means to create a sense of human migration patterns over the last few millenia.

Very. Cool.

Why I'm for it: it's pissing off the Chomsky-ites AND the uber-creationists all at once! As Bob and Doug were wont to say, "It's a jelly."

It's also neat in that Jefferson had a cool idea in the Notes on the State of Virginia about doing a similar type of thing but using language---trace back commonalities to find common ancestors and to estimate time of deviation.

Conspiracy theory angle for a cool Dan Brown style thriller---Interpol/FBI gets a warrant to search all the collected DNA samples to track down serial killers. I mean, how would the foundation be able to keep this away from the gummint?

Posted by Steve at April 14, 2005 09:31 AM

The linguistic migratory analysis has been done for the Polynesians. The weight of the evidence seems to point to Taiwan as the pre-migratory homeland. This was mentioned in “Guns, Germs, and Steel”. See here.

Posted by: John at April 14, 2005 02:26 PM
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