April 07, 2005

Live-Blogging Bill N' Jeff On The Air

I'm going to give it a try. Maybe. Stand by.

UPDATE: I must say, the concession stand in the lobby really sucks. No Mr. Pibb? Oh, and that usher taking the tickets is a rude little sum'bitch. By the way, I didn't know you guys were into Bob James.

MORE: Fascinating, Captain. Sensors indicate concentrations of extreme upbeat "sauciness" dead ahead. Bill, don't you ever, ever call me a dork ever again.

MORE STILL: I'm just guessing, but I'll bet Charles Johnson is a good twenty years older than either Bill or Jeff.

CJ: "The biggest threat to the planet? That might be Oliver Willis." He also cites P.J. O'Rourke as one of the reasons he (Johnson) has moved to the right. Good man.

Okay, now I want to know what the "terrible secret" of Little Green Footballs is.

Section 1 Conclusion: Nice interview with Johnson. (Like I know anything about it.)

MORE: I thought Willis was up next. They're going straight to the Hobbit Hole guy?

UPDATE: Looks like Willis chickened out after all. Let the mockery begin anew! Where is that box of Rice-O-Roni?

ROUND TWO: Who is this Rob Harrison? It's not a hobbit hole if people live in it, it's a walk-in basement.

Okay, Bill and Jeff are starting to sound an awful lot like Letterman interviewing a guy who collects tinfoil.......

MORE: Ah, yes, the ol' "the LOTR movies were good because they'll get people to read the books" gambit. Ssssssss! We hates it! Nasty, tricksy, wicked, false!

WRAP UP: Oh, cool, they say Ace is going to be on next week.

Overall, I'm impressed. I could never do that sort of live broadcast. But please, don't do that "upbeat" thing anymore.

UPDATE: Bill says Oliver's no-show was a result of a communications snafu, not cowardice. Sorry, Colossus, we're going to have to put a stop-order on that Rice-O-Roni shipment.

Posted by Robert at April 7, 2005 02:58 PM

Woo hoo! Rice a roni!

Posted by: The Colossus at April 7, 2005 04:34 PM


Posted by: Bill from INDC at April 7, 2005 05:56 PM

We wuz robbed!

Posted by: The Colossus at April 7, 2005 06:07 PM


Posted by: Bill from INDC at April 7, 2005 06:16 PM

Koala-walla BAM!

Posted by: Jeff G at April 7, 2005 11:38 PM
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