March 08, 2005


Every now and then, I get contacted by someone who mistakes me for someone they know. In the days before e-mail, this would usually take the form of phone messages from long-lost UGA fraternity brothers blowing through town and the like. One of the quirks of being in Army Reserve is an army e-mail account I have to check several times a day through Army Knowledge Online, the Great Green Machine's web portal. Everyone on active duty, in the National Guard, or the Reserve has an AKO account and their e-mail addresses may be searched through the equivalent of the phone book white pages. This afternoon, this gem came across--

Hi [LMC]!
Just a quick note to say "HI!" and see how you are! A belated CONGRATS on the Red Sox victory this last season. A great win for a great team. Maybe this year for the Cubs? Any word on the impending deployment? . . . .

JCOHO just finished at the hospital system--we did very, very well. It was a lot of hard work since I had to hit the ground running when I came home, but its been a great department and everyone works well together (at least most of the time that is!).

What's new with you? How is Misericordia and your practice? How is your family? Have you given in and bought Maggie a car yet? Come on, open those Confirmation cards you have been hiding for all these years and buy her a nice sports car! How is your dog? My dog has developed hip problems (according to the vet that shouldn't happen to a smaller dog, but she is apparently having problems standing from the prone position). Getting old has it's share of challenges.

I hope you are well and your family is great. HI to them all. I hope we have the chance to work together again soon. . . on this side of the Atlantic!

[long lost friend]

It was too good to pass up so I responded with the following, edited to protect [long lost friend] in the event this should ever come across his senior rater's desk:

[long lost friend] thanks for the update but I have to confess that I did not care who won the World Series because I do not follow baseball that much. There is no Maggie in my life as my wife banned the name of "Margaret" in all of its derivations from use in our home since I dated a string of Margarets and a Gretchen (German for Margaret) prior to marrying my bride. As a result I will not be buying a sports car for Maggie, even if I could afford it. My dog, a two-year old boxer is in good health, thanks for asking. I am sorry to hear about you canine's hip problems and hope that they can be managed without too much discomfort to either man or beast. I am glad to hear that you are in [a medical unit] slated for deployment to the Middle East. Practicing law as a civilian is often stressful, but I will sleep better knowing that I can call for a referral, particularly if we are mobilized.

As you probably guessed, you reached "[LMC]" not ["LNC]" as you probably intended. Check the AKO White Pages and try again. Best regards.

Posted by LMC at March 8, 2005 11:05 PM
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